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Infineon Demokit

Welcome to the SECORA™ Blockchain Demo Kit, which is powered by Infineon Technologies and OwnerChip.

It is designed to introduce you to the exciting world of blockchain-based NFC chips and the corresponding smartphone application. The demo kit is a comprehensive solution that combines both hardware and software to provide you with a seamless experience in integrating NFC technology into your products.

This guide helps you to …

  • work with the provided NFC chips
  • use the Smartphone App to initialize the NFC chips
  • create your first digital twin as an “NFT” on a Blockchain
  • use the app to prove authenticity and ownership of products

Check out the following steps on how to prepare and use the demo kit together with the OwnerChip Discovery app:

STEP 1: Create your Blockchain Identity with Metamask

Installing Metamask might sound complex, but it’s just downloading a free app from the App Store or Google Play Store. Metamask acts as a digital wallet, enabling crypto transactions, but don’t worry, you won’t need actual cryptocurrency for this demo.

Function: You’ll use Metamask to generate a unique wallet address for confirming transactions and holding digital twin NFTs.

Important: During setup, you’ll create a “seed phrase” for wallet recovery. It’s crucial for future security, so keep it safe.

Install Metamask – Available on Apple App Store and Google Play Store.


STEP 2: Install the OwnerChip Discovery App

This app lets you interact with NFC chips for item verification and chip initialization.

Install OwnerChip Discovery – Available on Apple App Store and Google Play Store.


STEP 3: Link OwnerChip and Metamask

Connection: Open OwnerChip Discovery, tap the “connect” icon, and approve the Metamask link.
Tip: Use FaceID or Biometric Authentication in Metamask for smoother operation. If you prefer a password, adjust Metamask’s “Auto-Lock” settings for convenience.


STEP 4: Initialize your NFC chip

Imagine you’re securing your creation with an NFC chip.

In the OwnerChip app, tap “Initialize Chip” and hold your phone close to an NFC chip. Positioning varies by device.

The app will guide you through selecting a blockchain network and adding details to create a digital twin NFT in your wallet.


STEP 5: Verify NFC Chips and Ownership

Pretend you’re verifying the authenticity of a luxury item you purchased.

Use the OwnerChip app to scan the chip. A successful scan indicates authentic and possibly owned items, with details accessible through the app.


STEP 6: Reset Chips and Tokens

While not common in actual use, you might want to reset chips during demos.

Use “Initialize Chip” again to reset an already initialized chip. This action deletes the associated NFT and returns the chip to an uninitialized state.


By following these steps, you can fully experience the capabilities of the demo kit and the OwnerChip Discovery app, from setting up your digital wallet to interacting with NFC chips and managing digital twins on the blockchain.


You went through all the steps of our demo kit.

Did everything go smoothly? For any questions or issues, please consult our FAQ and support page. We’re here to help.

For assistance specifically with the Infineon SECORA Blockchain Chip, you can visit the official Infineon SECORA Blockchain Forum.